
Compassionate and Relational Care Learning Programme

College members and senior mental health professionals across the multidisciplinary spectrum are invited to apply for a place on an innovative and pioneering training programme in compassionate and relational care.

You’ll be taught by international experts during a series of two day residential modules, with the first module taking place on 23-24 April in Cambridge.

The course - the first ever to provide this level of training in compassionate and relational care in mental health - will

  • Equip you with advanced skills in compassionate and relational care
  • Provide you with a deeper understanding of the therapeutic relationship and the difference that can make to patient outcomes
  • Provide you with practical tools and strategies that can be implemented immediately in clinical practice.

Working in a compassionate and relational way systemically will help you contribute to tackling health inequities as

  • it's personalised and takes into account the person's network and the context of their lives.
  • there is specific content on health inequities and how the approach can support working towards health equity in each module.

Programme overview and structure

The training programme aims to provide an immersive and comprehensive learning experience.

The programme has been meticulously structured and takes the form a series of residential modules, each lasting two days, hosted at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge. 

We aim to run three modules a year over a three year cycle – with three core modules in 2025.

Each module will be co-facilitated and developed with people with lived experience alongside the Module Leads – bringing in others to enable and facilitate as needed. 

These modules will focus on essential areas of learning and skill development that attendees can immediately apply in their professional practice.

If you complete all nine modules, you will earn a certification in Compassionate And Relational Care from the RCPsych.

The cost per module is ?590, and price for all 3 modules this year is ?1,593. The price includes all teaching, student accommodation at Cambridge University for the duration and full board.

2025 modules: book your place now

Dialogical practice training

This module explores some core techniques based on Open Dialogue that can help us ensure that every voice is heard and that every space we create feels safe to all those within it. 

Course leader: Dr Russell Razzaque 

Dates: 23 – 24 April 

Compassionate Mind Training

This module involves psychoeducation to help you understand our thought processes. You will learn a series of mind and body skills to help you with these struggles in a supportive way.

Course leader: Dr Chrissy Jayarajah

Dates: 4-5 September

Mindfulness Based Therapeutic ApproachesTraining

This module examines how we can transform our relationships by intentionally paying attention to our present experience in a particular way. 

Course leader: Dr Florian Ruths 

Dates: 15-16 December 2025. 

We believe that this programme will set a new standard in mental health care, promoting a culture of compassion and empathy within the profession. We encourage all eligible professionals to participate in this transformative training opportunity, which promises to enhance their practice and ultimately benefit the communities they serve. 

We look forward to welcoming you to Cambridge University and embarking on this exciting journey together. 

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry