
Contact us

This page provides details of how you can contact us as well as answering some frequently asked questions. Responses to the contact form will be monitored.

Advice for non-members before contacting us

  • We set standards and promote excellence in psychiatry and mental healthcare.

  • We lead, represent and support psychiatrists.

  • We work with patients, carers and their psychiatrists. We provide online and printed information on mental health issues and signpost patients to further help.

  • We don't take complaints against or discipline psychiatrists. Please to make a complaint.

  • We aren't able to provide a list of, or recommend psychiatrists. We do have a list of current members.

  • We can't offer consultations or personal advice – we do not have psychiatrists based in the College. Please see your GP in the first instance, who will be able to discuss this more with you.

Your most frequently asked questions

If you are in crisis and have hurt yourself or are thinking about hurting yourself:

  • call 999
  • go to A&E if you are able to
  • call your mental health crisis team

Find out more about where to get urgent help for mental health .

If you aren’t sure what kind of help you need, you can call 111 or .

If the support you need is less urgent, you can also speak to your GP or mental health team.

You can also contact the following organisations if you need to speak to someone:

  • – Samaritans offers listening and support to people in times of need. They are open 24/7.
  • – Childline is a free, confidential support service for people under the age of 19. Support is available 24/7.
    • Call 0800 1111
  • - SANEline is a national mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness.
    • call 0300 304 7000 (this phoneline is open from 4pm-10pm every day of the year)
    • Outside of these hours you can leave a voice message on 0300 124 7900 to get a call-back.

Most private psychiatrists would still prefer a referral from your GP. 

Your GP may be able to recommend psychiatrists who practise privately. Local private hospitals may also be able to advise you about this. 

Some psychiatrists may advertise online. If they have the title 'MRCPsych' (Member of the 免费黑料网) or ‘FRCPsych’ (Fellow of the 免费黑料网), this means they’re current members of the College.

The College is unable to recommend or supply names of psychiatrists. In order to find a psychiatrist, you should ask your GP.

Sorry, but we can’t recommend or supply names of psychiatrists.

Solicitors can search through the lists of psychiatrists that are registered with any of the following websites:


We’re not the disciplinary body for our members and can’t deal with complaints about psychiatrists. 

You or someone you trust can write to, or speak with your psychiatrist to tell them how you feel.

If you’re unhappy with their response, you can complain to their employer, clinic or hospital using their complaints procedure.

If the complaint is to report serious misconduct, you can complain to the  (Tel: 0161 923 6602).  

If you have concerns about a hospital, care home or health service, you should contact them first and follow their complaints procedure.

If you’re still unhappy, share your experience with the body which is responsible for the inspection of health and social care in your area:

  • England -  (Tel: 03000 616161) 
  • Scotland -  (Tel: 0345 600 9527) 
  • Wales -  (Tel: 0300 7900 126) 
  • Northern Ireland -  (Tel: 028 9051 7500) 
See our full FAQs page for more answers.

Get in touch

For  queries, please email them directly at support@portfolioonline.co.uk. Otherwise please use this contact us form.

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry